Corporate Travel Department (CTD)
An IATAN accredited CTD is an in-house travel department that purchases air transportation and travel services for its own employees and owners rather than the general public; or it can be a business that meets and maintains the requirements for accreditation as an IATAN non ticketing location but its primary activity is not the sale/and or brokerage of travel and travel related services.
The requirements for accreditation as an IATAN location and a CTD are identical. However, there are subtle differences between the Ticketing and Non-Ticketing programs. To review these requirements please download the IATAN Application & Accreditation Requirements kit can now be found under the section Become Accredited.
Corporate Client Location (CCL)
A CCL is an IATAN accredited branch location on a customer’s premises (on-site) that is staffed either partially or entirely by employees of the Corporate Client on whose premises it is located rather than employees of the travel entity. The requirements for accreditation for an IATAN ticketing location and a CCL are identical. However, an accredited branch may be designated as a CCL at the time of accreditation or may be re-designated as a CCL subsequent to IATAN accreditation. To review these requirements please download the IATAN Application & Accreditation Requirements kit can now be found under the section Become Accredited.
IATAN is recognizing CTD/CCL’s to ensure that these locations are measured against impartial business standards and are properly identified to the industry as such.