Global Data products

Global Data products help travel industry suppliers to manage back-end business functions like reservations, reconciliations, accounting and revenue management, as well as sales and marketing activities essential to promoting business on a global scale.

These flexible and customizable solutions provide a unique opportunity for airlines, hotel chains, car rental companies, cruise lines, tour operators and local tourism authorities to cost-effectively:

  1. Manage and administer essential business activities
  2. Streamline e-marketing campaigns to a preferred audience
  3. Gain increased exposure and global reach
  4. Simplify contact management, and more...

The power and flexibility of Global Data products derive from the data itself – a contact database of over 120,000 IATA travel agencies identified by their unique IATA Numeric code.

It is the most up-to-date, reliable and comprehensive resource to search for qualified travel partners, enabling suppliers to build, manage and maintain professional distribution channels worldwide.

Find the solution that’s right for you
